Integrated Health & Family Welfare society for Pune Municipal Corporation through National Urban Health Mission (NUHM) recruitment for the post of Pharmacist. Read following details of the latest Pharmacist job in Integrated Health and Family Welfare Society for PMC, Pune Municipal Corporation Recruitment 2018, PMC Recruitment 2018.
Post: Pharmacist
No.of Post: 07 posts
Monthly Salary: Rs.10,000/- Per Month
Qualification & Experience: D.Pharm
(Preference will be given to experience holder)
PMC Pharmacist Recruitment |
Age Limit: Up to 38 Years
Date of WALK-IN-INTERVIEW: 8th June, 2018
Time: 11 am to 3 pm
Venue : Survey No. 770/3,
Bakre Avenue, Gally No 7, Opp. Cosmos Bank
Bhandarkar Road, Pune - 411005
Phone: 020-25666047
Note: Candidates are requested to read the detailed advertisement before attaining walk in interview.