Pharmacist Vacancy 2018 - Haryana NHM Recruitment 2018 | 03 post:
National Rural Health Mission Haryana (NRHM) has invited offline applications from interested & eligible candidates for Pharmacist Post under Haryana National Health Mission. The candidates will be selected on the basis of performance in written test and/or interview. The applications to be submitted off-line in person to जिला स्वास्थ्य एवं परिवार कल्याण समिति, कुरुक्षेत्र on or before the last date i.e. 7th September 2018.
Post: Pharmacist (RBSK)
No of Post: 03 UR
Educational Qualification:
The educational qualification needed for this Pharmacist recruitment are as follows:
-10+2 With Science (Physics & Chemistry).
-Diploma in Rccognimd Institute. Registered as Pharmacist with Haryana Phannacy Council under section 31 (a) or 31 (c) or 32 (a) of the Pharmacyact, 1948 applicable to Haryana State.
Desirable: Computer Proficiency with familiarity of Data management and commonly used packages like MS Power point and Excel etc.
-Knowledge Of Hindi up to Matric
Pay Scale: As per NHM norm
Age Limit: The age limit for Pharmacist recruitment is 18 to upper age limit 42 years.
Important Date
Post: Pharmacist (RBSK)
No of Post: 03 UR
Educational Qualification:
The educational qualification needed for this Pharmacist recruitment are as follows:
-10+2 With Science (Physics & Chemistry).
-Diploma in Rccognimd Institute. Registered as Pharmacist with Haryana Phannacy Council under section 31 (a) or 31 (c) or 32 (a) of the Pharmacyact, 1948 applicable to Haryana State.
Desirable: Computer Proficiency with familiarity of Data management and commonly used packages like MS Power point and Excel etc.
-Knowledge Of Hindi up to Matric
Pay Scale: As per NHM norm
Age Limit: The age limit for Pharmacist recruitment is 18 to upper age limit 42 years.
Important Date
Written Test: 12/09/2018 Interview Date: 14/09/2018Important Links
Download Pharmacist NHM Recruitment 2018.pdf