Recruitment 2019 - Apply for Pharmacist job at AIIMS Bhopal | 06 posts
AIIMS Recruitment 2019: Applications are invited by AIIMS Bhopal in
prescribed Performa from eligible officers / officials of Central / State /
U.T. Government / Universities / Statutory /Autonomous Bodies / Public Sector
Undertaking / Research and Development Organizations / Police Departments of
the Central / State / U.T. / Armed Forces including Para Military Forces for
filling up the following Group ‘B’ Pharmacist posts on Deputation
Basis at All India Institute of Medical Sciences, AIIMS Bhopal.
1. Chief Pharmacist – Group :
No of Posts: 01 posts
Pay Band & Grade Pay: Level-7 (Rs 44900-142400) of 7th CPC
Qualifications: Officers under the Central / State / U.T.
Governments / Universities / Statutory Bodies or Autonomous Bodies or Research
and Development Organizations (i) holding analogous post on regular basis, OR
(ii) with 5 years regular service in the grade of Pharmacist Grade II in the
Grade Pay of Rs. 4200/-
2. Sr. Pharmacist - Group :
No. of Posts: 01 posts
Pay Band & Grade Pay: Level-7 (Rs 35400-112400) of 7th CPC
Officers under the Central/State Govt., U.T.
Government/Universities/Statutory Bodies or Research and Development
Organizations i. holding analogous post on regular basis, or ii. with 6 years
regular services in the grade of Pharmacist Grade II in the Grade Pay of
3. Pharmacist Grade I -
Group : ‘B’
No of Posts: 04 posts
Pay Band & Grade Pay: Level-7 (Rs 35400-112400) of 7th CPC
Officers under the Central/State Govt., U.T.
Government/Universities/Statutory Bodies or Research and Development Organizations
i. holding analogous post on regular basis, or ii. with 6 years regular
services in the grade of Pharmacist Grade II in the Grade Pay of Rs.2800/-
The last date for receipt of application from the eligible candidate is the 30
days from the date of publication of the advertisement in the Employment News
i.e. 22th April, 2019 up to 5:00 PM.
Detailed advertisement & application format have been uploaded on the
AIIMS, Patna website Application format can be
downloaded from the website. Duly filled-in application along with attested
copies of all relevant certificates are to be sent by Speed Post / Registered
Post only to below given address by superscribing the envelope “Application
for the post of _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ AIIMS Bhopal
Postal Address:
The Administrative Officer
All India
Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS)
Block, 1st Floor of Medical College
Saket Nagar, Bhopal -462020 (M.P.)
Last Date: 22/04/2019
Important Link