East Coast Railway Recruitment for Pharmacist - Paramedical Staff Job in East Coast Railway
Hospital, East Coast Railway, Bhubaneswar.
Applications are invited from Indian Citizens, for engagement as paramedical staff for the posts of Pharmacist as mentioned below on contract basis, for Central Hospital, East Coast Railway, Bhubaneswar. Eligible candidates having the following qualifications, age, experience and fulfilling other terms and conditions may appear before the Board for interview along with duly filled in application in the given format with all relevant certificates/testimonials in original and self-attested copies of each.
Post: Pharmacist
No. of Post: 02- UR
Diploma in Pharmacy and registration with Pharmacy Council of India or registration with State Pharmacy Council.
Experience: Minimum 03 (Three) years working experience is required
Age Limit: 20-35 years
Basic Pay: Rs. 29200/- in Level 5 of 7th CPC + Admissible allowances
Period of contract: Upto 30.06.2019 or till the vacant posts are filled up by Departmental
Walk in interview Date: 18/04/2019
Walk-in Time: 10:00 AM
Walk-in Venue: Office of the Principal Chief Personnel Officer, 2nd Floor, Rail Sadan, Chandrasekharur Bhubaneswar.
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