GMC Goa Recruitment 2019 | Openings for Pharmacist, Staff
Nurse and other Posts
Applications are hereby invited by the Dean, G.M.C from eligible
candidates in the prescribed “Application Form” for filling up the below mentioned
vacant posts in Group “C‟ on regular basis, having valid 15 years Residence
Certificate in the State of Goa, valid employment exchange registration card,
Cast Certificate, if any etc. through post or by hand delivery, so as to reach
this office latest by 18/09/2019 by 5.00 p.m.
Name of Post: Pharmacist (23 posts)
Posts: 23 (UR -11, OBC -08, EWS's -02, CFF-02)
Level in the Pay Matrix: Level-5 Rs.29200/-
1) Diploma in Pharmacy from Board of Technical Education
1) Degree in Pharmacy from recognized University.
2) Should be registered with the State Council of
3) Knowledge of Konkani.
1) Not Less than three years experience as a registered
2) Knowledge of Marathi.
Name of Post: Staff Nurse (600 Posts)
Posts: 600 (UR -228, OBC
-162, ST -72, SC -12, PwD -18, Ex Ser -18, EWS’s -60, CFF-30)
Level in the Pay Matrix: L-6 Rs 35,400/-
(a) Certificate in Nursing from a recognized Institution.
(b) Certificate in
Midwifery/Special training for Male Nurses for 6 months duration.
1) B.Sc. Nursing.
2) Registration certificate as Registered Nurse, OR registered Midwife from State Council.
3) Knowledge of Konkani.
1. Knowledge of Marathi.
Age Limit: Not exceeding 45 years, relaxable for
reserved vacancies in accordance with the instructions or orders issued by the
Government from time to time.
Terms and conditions:
1. “Only the eligible candidates fulfilling the criteria
as per recruitment rules/advertisement shall apply for the post with correct
postal address and need not furnish any documents at the time of applying for
the post”. However the candidature of the shortlisted candidate shall not be
considered, if he/she is found ineligible at the time of verification of
essential documents, even though he/she has passed the examination”.
2. Applications in prescribed form will be accepted with
declaration from candidates stating that “the contents of the application are
true to his/her own knowledge and he/she possess the requisite qualification
and other mandatory documents for the post.” He/she understand that in the
event of particulars or information given herein being found false or incorrect,
his/her candidature for the recruitment is liable to be REJECTED OR CANCELLED
3. The candidates already working in the Government,
local self Government, Semi-Government, autonomous bodies or establishment, or
any other department establishment or institution being an instrumentality of
the Government should send their application “Thorough Proper Channel” only on
or before last date of submission of the application.
4. A separate application in prescribed form should be
submitted for each type of post. Incomplete applications, applications not in
Prescribed Form and application received by post and by hand delivery after the
stipulated date shall be summarily rejected.
5. For all the above mentioned posts a written examination of 100 marks shall be held. Skill Test/Aptitude test, wherever necessary, may be considered for screening eligible candidates to be called for written examination and only qualified candidate shall be called for written examination. The Selection of the candidates will be determined in accordance with the marks obtained by each candidate in the written examination as per merit.
6. The appointing authority reserves the right to call
adequate number of meritorious candidates for verification of original
documents. No T.A/D.A is admissible for attending the written examination or
verification of the original documents etc.
7. The Government reserves the right to cancel the
recruitment process at any time without any further notice and without
assigning any reason thereof.
8. All the above mention posts to be filled subject to
NOC from Personnel Department and in phased manner.
Note: For more details regarding qualifications
required as per notified Recruitment Rules, Terms and conditions, Syllabus and
Scheme of examination will be uploaded on the GMC website and Government of Goa
portal given in the link above. This advertisement may also be referred at
“National Career Centre” Portal of Labour Department.
Application Fee: Application form fee will be
charged Rs 50/- per form.
How to Apply:
The prescribed “Application Form” is available in
the Office of the Dean, G.M.C. Bambolim Goa, through post or by hand delivery,
so as to reach this office latest by 18/09/2019 by
5.00 p.m.. This advertisement will be uploaded on G.M.C. website and Government of Goa portal
Important Link