DHS Pharmacist Recruitment 2020 | |
Organization Name | Directorate of Health Services, Assam |
Post Name | Pharmacist |
Number of Posts | 55 |
Educational Qualification | D. Pharm / B.Pharm |
Application Mode | Online |
Official Website | dhs.assam.gov.in |
Advertisement No | APPTT/68/2019/5184 |
1. For online submission of forms for the applicants / candidates, there shall be same link in the web portal for both the Directorates [DHS & DHS (FW)
2. There shall be common examination for the equivalent posts of both the Directorates [DHS & DHS (FW)]
3. Interested candidates shall have to fill up the online Application Forms available at the official website of the Directorate of Health Services, Assam
4. The following documents in original will have to be produced at the time of document, verification and photocopies of all certificates etc. are to be submitted:
{a) 2 (Two) copies of recent passport size colour photograph duly self- attested.
(b) Birth Certificate / HSLC Admit / HSLC Board Pass Certificate for age proof.
(c) All Pass Certificates from Boards/ Universities from HSLC onwards.
(d) Caste certificate [where applicable)
(e) Permanent residentship certificate Domicile certificate (if any)
(f) Person with Disability Certificate Differently Abled Certificate (rf any)
(g) Employment Exchange Registration Certificate.
(h) Nursing Registration Certificate authenticated by the Registrar, Assam Nursing Council (Wherever applicable)
(i) Pharmacy Registration Certificate authenticated by the Registrar. Assam Pharmacy Council (Wherever applicable).
j) Economically Weaker Section (EWS) Certificate wherever applicable.
5. Process of Selection: There will be OMR based Written Test of 100 marks for the above mentioned posts and followed by Skill Test / Aptitude Test of 25 marks. The break-up of marks for written examination for the technical posts are, 75 marks for technical subject 15 marks for English and 10 marks for General Knowledge respectively. The shortlisted candidates shall be called in the ratio 1:3 for the skill test in the relevant filed and the merit list shall be prepared combining the sum total of written marks and skill test / aptitude test marks with the total out of 125 marks, or any other mode of test to be decided by the Selection Committee due to the present prevailing situation of COVID-19 pandemic with the approval of the Government
6. Modalities of Common Recruitment Test: As per Government Order No. HLA.940/ 2019/40 dated 6/ 08/ 2020, there will be common recruitment test for all the similar Grade-Ill posts wherever feasible of Directorate of Health Services, Assam and Directorate of Health Services (FW). Assam. Thereafter, the candidates shall be called in the ratio 1:3 for skill test in the relevant field. When such candidates are called for skill test, they may be asked to give their choice of posts in order of priority under Directorate of Health Services, Assam and Directorate of Health Services (FW), Assam. This choice will be taken into account by the Department while declaring the final results and if a candidate is otherwise eligible on merit, his / her name shall be placed in the list of successful candidates for a post taking into account the order of priority submitted by the candidates.
7. Weightage for service under NHM: Many contractual employees are working under NHM as Nurses, paramedics etc. They may be given weightage of 2 marks per year of service completed under NHM. subject to a maximum of 20 marks so that they can be given suitable and justified preference.
8. Tie-Breaking of Marks: If two or more candidates obtaining same total marks, then the candidates obtaining higher marks in written test shall be placed higher in merit However, again if the candidates obtain equal marks in written test also, then the seniority of age of the candidates will be taken for consideration.
General Instruction the Candidates
1. Canvassing directly or indirectly shall render such candidates unfit for the post.
2. No TA / DA will be admissible to candidates for the journey and stay at any stage of the requirement process.
3. Candidates have to appear in all stages of recruitment. If a candidate is absent from any stage her candidature will be cancelled.
4. Candidature will be summarily rejected at any stage of the recruitment process, if found not conforming to the official format / having incomplete information/wrong information/ incomplete / requisite certificate / misrepresentation of acts / impersonation.
5. Before issue of appointment letter, the Department will obtain undertaking from the selected candidates that they shall abide by the New Pension Rules of Govt
6. The Selection Board reserves the right to make changes or cancel or postpone the requirement process on specific ground.
7. Fake documents/ false information / misrepresentation of facts shall lead to rejection if detected at any stage before / after appointment and shall make the candidate liable to criminal proceeding as per existing law.
R In case of any clarification, the decision of the Selection Board will be final.
9. The number of vacancies are subject to change and appointment to such vacancies will be decided by the Competent Authority at the time of appointment, based on the merit, category -wise as per the final merit list.
10. The rules & regulations, terms & conditions of the Department and Government of Assam will be applicable.
11. The Appointment Authorities should, in the offer of appointment to the candidates to be belonging to EWS, include the following clause:
'The appointment is provisional and is subject to the Income and Asset certificate being verified through the proper channels and if the verification reveals that the claim belong to EWS is fake/ false, the services will be terminated forthwith without assigning any further reasons and without prejudice to such further action as may be taken under the provisions of the Indian Penal Code for production of fake/false certificate".
Important Date | |
Start Date | 10/09/2020 |
Last Date | 24/09/2020 |